This category concerns how individuals or groups can make home, property, medical, or other insurance claims after a disaster, to get reimbursed. This includes how to file, determining your coverage, documenting issues, and managing disputes with insurance companies.
Consumer Issues After a Disaster
This information covers the various consumer issues that disaster survivors may face following a disaster.
Disaster Fraud
This resource covers the various topics and issues that occur within the category of disaster fraud. This goes over disaster fraud and gives information about the detection and prevention of fraud related to a disaster.
Disaster Relief
This information gives you an overview of disaster legal issues. It covers disaster declarations, steps to prepare, and legal deadlines. It also provides helpful disaster resources.
Flood Insurance From The National Flood Insurance Program
This covers information about flood insurance and flood insurance coverage information from the National Flood Insurance Program.
Homeowners Insurance After A Disaster
This covers information about homeowners insurance with a general overview of what homeowners insurance covers after a disaster and how it works.
Insurance Claims After A Disaster
This resource covers information about various insurance claims after a disaster event. This includes info about renters', flood, and homeowners' insurance.
Renters Insurance After A Disaster
This covers information about renters insurance after a disaster with a general overview of what renters insurance typically covers after a disaster and how it works.