Taking Leave For Family And Medical Reasons

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Other Work Problems

This category covers employees' options for taking family and medical Leave (especially under the Family and Medical Leave Act), including for giving birth, caring for a child, caring for another family member, dealing with an illness, or other issues. This category covers questions about which employees are eligible for taking leave, if they will be paid, if they can be fired, how to get approved for leave, and what happens if you think your employer has violated their obligations.

1 Resource(s) Found

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

This resource covers the benefits program Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which pays cash to individuals who are disabled (and their family members) if a person has worked long enough and has paid Social Security taxes. This covers issues with eligibility for SSDI, applications for it, hearings about it, getting paid, dealing with overpayments, maintaining it, and terminating it.

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