Child Support

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Other Family Problems

This category concerns issues around creating child support orders, modifying and enforcing them, paying for other children's expenses, and claiming children's expenses on taxes.

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Child Support

Child support is a payment that one parent makes to the other for the financial support of the children. The non-custodial parent usually pays it to the custodial parent. It may also include medical, dental, and other insurance premiums.

Child Support Guidelines For Calculation And Enforcement

This information goes over the guidelines that Louisiana has set as rules for how child support arrangements are calculated and enforced. This includes the financial models that Louisiana establishes for child support, based on income or needs. This also includes the process of how to calculate child support payments.

Getting State Support In Enforcing Child Support

This information explains child support case issues. It shows how the custodial parent can get help from a state agency. The agency helps find the other parent and establish paternity. It also creates or enforces the child support order.

Intercepting Tax Refunds For Child Support

This concerns how a parent who doesn't have custody of their children, might have their federal income tax refund checks intercepted. They may also have lottery winnings or other money that the federal or state government owes them intercepted, in order to pay for child support payments they owe.

Modifying Child Support

This resource explains if and when a parent can change a child support order.

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