Food and Cash Benefits

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Other Public Problems

This category is about financial assistance to cover costs for food, school breakfasts, and other general living costs, including through programs like food stamps, SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, school and breakfast lunch programs, WIC, and others. 

4 Resource(s) Found

Disaster Emergency SNAP Benefits

This information covers emergency SNAP benefits from the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), which may be issued when there is a disaster. There are a few different kinds of emergency SNAP benefits which include: Replacement SNAP, Supplemental SNAP, or Disaster SNAP.

Financial Assistance For Caring For A Relative's Child - The Kinship Care Subsidy Program (KCSP)

A relative must obtain legal guardianship of the child if the relative is responsible for the child's physical and emotional needs, as well as for making important decisions about the child's care.

Public Benefits

This information covers public benefits, which are government-funded programs that help individuals and families in need. Public benefits can include cash and income assistance, health care, food assistance, housing assistance, and tax benefits. Depending on the program, eligibility for public benefits may require a person or family to meet certain income and resource requirements.

SNAP's Medical Deductions: How To Get Increased Benefits For High Medical Expenses

If you have high medical expenses, you could get more help from SNAP. SNAP’s Medical Deductions can help increase your benefit.

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