Care For A Specific Condition Or Disability

Learn About Your Issue

Other Health Problems

This category covers what rights and options a person has, when they are dealing with a specific kind of disease, condition, or health care need. This could include AIDS/HIV, abortion, alcoholism or drug dependency, cancers, and other problems.

5 Resource(s) Found

A Guide to Interdiction

Interdiction is a legal process where a court is asked to determine, from testimony and other evidence presented, whether a person is unable to consistently make reasoned decisions regarding their person and/or their property, or to communicate those decisions, and whose interests cannot be protected by less restrictive means. If such a finding is made, the court appoints someone to make these decisions for the person.

Pregnancy Discrimination At Work

Do you feel you have been discriminated against because of your pregnancy? This resource goes over the pregnancy discrimination process in employment situations and the process to file a pregnancy discrimination claim.

Reasonable Accommodation For Disability Defenses Against An Eviction

This information goes over how a person with a disability might ask for a reasonable accommodation in housing to allow access for a disability.

Veteran Disability Benefits

This resource goes over information about veteran disability compensation and how to manage benefits for veteran disability compensation.

What Parents Need to Know About Continuing Tutorship

Continuing Tutorship is a legal process in which a court decides that your child will not be competent to make decisions after he or she reaches 18 years old, the legal age of majority. Instead, another person will have the legal authority to make all business and legal decisions for the child just as if he or she were still under age 18.

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