This category concerns issues a person might have with their housing after a natural disaster or another emergency. It can include issues around owning, clearing title, rebuilding, and insuring a home when you have experienced or are at risk of a disaster. It also includes landlord-tenant and eviction issues.
Disaster Relief
This information gives you an overview of disaster legal issues. It covers disaster declarations, steps to prepare, and legal deadlines. It also provides helpful disaster resources.
FEMA's Individuals And Households Program
This covers information about FEMA's Individuals and Households Program, available to help individuals and households affected by a disaster.
Flood Insurance From The National Flood Insurance Program
This covers information about flood insurance and flood insurance coverage information from the National Flood Insurance Program.
Homeowners Insurance After A Disaster
This covers information about homeowners insurance with a general overview of what homeowners insurance covers after a disaster and how it works.
Housing After A Disaster
A guide to the legal issues a person may encounter in housing after a natural disaster. This includes information for homeowners and renters.
Mortgage Help For Homeowners Affected By Disasters
After a disaster, it is important to get in touch with your bank or mortgage servicer to get relief. Learn what you need to know about getting mortgage help for homeowners who are affected by a disaster event.
Renters Insurance After A Disaster
This covers information about renters insurance after a disaster with a general overview of what renters insurance typically covers after a disaster and how it works.
Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loans
This includes information on disaster loans provided by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).