Going To Court And Dealing With Procedure

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This category covers situations when a person may have to go to court to deal with a dispute or violation. This includes the specific procedures to expect for specific kinds of cases, as well as general rules about court procedure to know.

8 Resource(s) Found
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Asking The Court For A Fee Delayer Application - In Forma Pauperis (IFP)

If you can’t afford court fees, you can apply to file in forma pauperis (IFP). You’ll need to submit an affidavit explaining your financial hardship. The court will review your situation and decide if you qualify for fee waivers. Remember, applying doesn't guarantee approval. It depends on your finances.

Contact The Clerk Of Court

This resource goes over what the Clerk Of Court is and how to contact the Clerk Of Court.

Court Costs and Fees

This resource covers information with links to filing fee schedules for each parish in each judicial district court in Louisiana.

Evidence For A Court Case

This information is about how to present evidence in a court or other legal proceeding - including standards of relevancy, hearsay, and exceptions; how to submit opinions or expert testimonies; how to impeach or contest testimony; what privileges exist; how to authenticate and identify evidence; and how to give judicial notice about evidence.

Getting A Restraining Or Protection Order

This resource goes over the options, process, and limitations of getting a restraining or protection order to address domestic violence and abuse.

Going To Court And Dealing With Procedure

This covers the various situations when a person may have to go to court to deal with a dispute or violation. This includes the specific procedures to expect for specific kinds of cases and general rules about court procedures to know.

Rescheduling Or Delaying A Court Proceeding - Motion For Continuance

This resource covers information about a motion for continuance, which is a formal request to reschedule or delay a court proceeding to a future date. This includes a self-represented litigant form to prepare and file when you need a motion for continuance in a family court case.

Understanding Legal Service Of Process

Service is the formal legal term for delivery of papers filed with the Court to the opposing party in a lawsuit. Service means that the proper legal officer gives the opposing party the paperwork that has been filed with the Court by the other side. This article outlines the various methods of service available in Louisiana and explains how each method works.

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