Southwest Louisiana Law Center

General Contact Information

1011 Lakeshore Drive, 4th Floor
Lake Charles, LA 70601

How to Get Help

Phone Number 337-436-3308 or 800-256-1955
  • Monday 08:30 - 05:00
  • Tuesday 08:30 - 05:00
  • Wednesday 08:30 - 05:00
  • Thursday 08:30 - 05:00
  • Friday 08:30 - 05:00

Have ready all documents about your case.


Clients may also come in to the office, during the same hours. Office is closed 12-1 each day.

Who We Are

Southwest Louisiana Law Center (SWLLC), a non-profit law firm since 1966, provides legal services on a sliding scale based on income to the residents of Southwest Louisiana.  SWLLC handles a wide variety of civil legal problems.   

Who We Serve

  • Allen Parish
  • Beauregard Parish
  • Calcasieu Parish
  • Cameron Parish
  • Jefferson Davis Parish
Additional Service Area Info SWLLC provides immigration representation throughout Louisiana and East Texas.
Language(s) Spoken
  • French / Français
  • Spanish / Español
Cirumstances and languages in which interpreters are provided

Interpreters for French and Spanish by appointment only.

Income Guidelines

Exceptions to income requirements are made in immigration cases, and on referrals from attorneys and judges.

Services are provided on a sliding scale based on income.

Your family's income should be at or below the following percentage of the federal poverty level 200
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? YES
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? YES

Type of Help

This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources:
Emergency Instructions

What is an Emergency? An emergency exists when there is a need for immediate legal help to protect a person or property, or to preserve individual rights.

If there is an emergency, call or walk in and let us know.

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